90’s Music

Kids (1999) “ this song is dope, where’s my mp3 player?”

Kids (2019) “this song is dope. (Hits share) sent to thousands

The kids of the 90s are the parents of today. And, just as we were in the 90s, today we’re less enthralled about judging music according to mass popularity or viral downloads. Even so, the viral movements of today were, yes my friend, born in the fabulous 90’s.

And, 90’s parents, those ultimate defenders of all things ‘cool’ can be counted on when it comes to declaring the 90s decade , the decade of true musical synthesis and esctasy!

Join us at Jack London Square where we’ll let the time rewind as we sail back to the 90’s. When the parents were “cool” and the music was smooth. When the dancing colluded with the rhythm to make everlasting, era defing memories and magic.

This is The 90’s Experience.